Our commitment hasn’t changed in 30 years – we provide excellent drilling project management services with the highest standards of safety throughout Australia.
Welcome to the materials for the proposed new Ausdrill Maintenance Enterprise Agreement 2019.
We will hold a vote for the new Agreement between 6AM on 17 December and 12PM on 18 December 2019. The vote will be a secret ballot. We are using a third-party provider, CiVS. You can vote via SMS or online.
On this page you should be able to download some important documents like the proposed Enterprise Agreement and a guide to explain it, as well as links to incorporated materials. These should help you understand the proposed new Enterprise Agreement before the vote.
If you have difficulties accessing any of the materials or you have questions about the content, please do not hesitate to contact your supervisor, your leader or EA2019@ausdrill.com.au.
Fair Work Act 2009 (Cth) and National Employment Standards
WA Long Service Leave Act
NT Long Service Leave Act
SA Long Service Leave Act
ACT Long Service Leave Act
NSW Long Service Leave Act
QLD Industrial Relations Act
TAS Long Service Leave Act
VIC Long Service Leave Act
WA Juries Act
NT Juries Act
SA Juries Act
ACT Juries Act
NSW Juries Act
QLD Juries Act
TAS Juries Act
VIC Juries Act